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The official website of the

West Oxfordshire


of the

Green Party

of England and Wales




Serving members, supporters and  citizens in the towns and villages  around West Oxfordshire, including the following wards:


NOTE: Wards listed above in larger font have Green Candidates in 2024 local elections



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end NHS privatisation


Clean Air


Official Home Page                                                             Last updated 04/07/2024

Welcome to the West Oxfordshire
of the Green Party

The success in May of Andrew Prosser in Witney North and Genny Early in Stonesfield & Tackley brought the number of Green Councillors on West Oxfordshire District Council to four. 


Cllrs Genny Early, Rosie Pearson, Andrew Prosser and Sandra Simpson
with India Mae (Centre), WODC Youth Champion.


This year here in West Oxfordshire we stood in16 out of the 17 wards where there were elections.  The Green Party candidates came from all walks of life, who were or had been business people, doctors, engineers, teachers, film makers, editors and scientists but all share a common belief in creating a fairer, greener future.

For more details, and to find out who our candidate was in your ward, visit 2024 West Oxon Green Party candidates in the May 2024 Local Elections.

The West Oxfordshire Green Party is a branch of the Oxfordshire Green Party and of The Green Party of England and WalesWe are addressing the issues of our time, taking local action to solve local, national and global issues.


The Branch supports and runs campaigns for Green Party candidates at parish, town, district and county council elections.You may well have seen many of us out campaigning for the elections in May.  The elections are over for now but we still need you to help us raise the profile of our activities and to support the work of the councillors around the district.


The membership includes all Green Party members in the Witney parliamentary constituency (which covers the same area as the West Oxfordshire district).


The Branch has grown to almost 200 members, and we have more than 550 supporters in 27 wards around the District. Most months we hold members meetings online to discuss campaigns, issues and events and annually the branch selects its officers at the AGM.  In addition Green Party business we try to meet up regularly for social gatherings in Witney and Chippping Norton.

Thanks to the seats we have won this year in
West Oxfordshire, Cherwell and Oxford City
there are now
In Oxfordshire there are now
MORE Green District Councillors
Conservative District Councillors


None of our successes would have been possible with out our wonderful teams of volunteers.  Thank you to each and every one of you.  You have made a real difference and the councilors that have been elected will be fighting for the principles that we all believe in. 


With a General Election this year and County Elections next year we always need more Volunteers, if you would like to learn how you could help us, visit 

Councillor Spotlight  - Cllr Andrew Prosser

Cllr Andrew Prosser has lived in Witney for 25 years and is married with two daughters and runs his own business. Andrew is standing for re-election this year in the Witney North Ward. For more info visit here.

Cllr Andrew Prosser Climate Change Lead Executive - Vote Green, Vote for Andrew Prosser

Witney North elected Andrew to the District Council in 2021, and he has served as Executive Lead for Climate Change since 2022. Andrew has led work to support local residents through the cost of living crisis. His work on river pollution and taking on developers over unsustainable housing, shows his commitment to residents.

As one of the most diligent councillors, Andrew has worked across the ward to address flooding concerns and has championed safe walking and cycling routes. 


Witney North was the first ward to elect a Green councillor to the District Council, in 2021. Since you elected him, Cllr Andrew Prosser has worked hard for our community, pushing for  joined-up action on planning, transport, local jobs and services.


Andrew is standing against housing plans that short-change residents by failing to
provide adequate infrastructure. The developer plans for 1250 new houses in
North Witney are not viable. They do not provide appropriate sewage, flooding, and traffic

Your Green Councillors are Working Hard

West Oxfordshire District Council Green Councillors Rosie Pearson, Sandra Simpson & Andrew Prosser

 for You and a Greener Future.


Green Councillors make all the difference to your local decison making. 


We care about the places we live in and want to address the major issues of our time locally, regionally and nationally.


The hardest working councillors in you district!  Attendance records at the West Oxfordshire District Council show just how committed your Green councillors are to representing you in Council. Cllr Andrew Prosser is amongst less than a handful of councillors with 100% attendance at council meetings.


For more details of their activities visit their social media pages on facbook and twitter or click here.

Green Party Councillors attendance at West Oxfordshire District Council meetings

Cllr Rosie Pearson Steers Motion to support CEE Bill through Council
(Despite Conservatives apparently directed by local MP to vote against the motion.)

On the 11th October Green Councillor Rosie Pearson Proposed a Motion to support the Climate and Ecology Bill (formerly known as the CEE BIll) as it passes through Parliament.

Rosie made an impassioned appeal to all the councillors to suport the motion to support the CEE Bill which commits the Government to develop and implement a strategy to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030 and to take full responsibility for its carbon and ecological footprint including along both the domestic and international supply chains. 


We are always looking for new supporters and potential members to join in with our activities and help to get more Greens elected.

You can do that by getting involved in our campaigns and activities that highlight issues such as: 

We must address the climate and ecological emergency

The seemingly endless list of emergencies and crises created by the last 13 years of this Government's mismanagment, has not reduced the need to take urgent and radical actions to address the causes and impact of the climate and ecological emergency.
Putting the climate change deniers to one side, it is almost universally accepted that  the consequences of climate change will be much more severe and long lasting than the coronavirus epidemic or even Brexit. Yet the two major parties cling on to the belief that Growth will solve all our problems!
In the Green Party we know that by tackling the climate crisis we can also address the drivers of the economic crisis. Remove dependence upon fossil fuels, and create more jobs especially in the renewable energy sector and in retrofitting of existing homes to be more energy efficient.
The Green Party policies are eminently practical and would, not only ensure a radical response to the climate crisis, but also tackle social inequities and put us in a better position to address future emergencies such as the pandemic.

We need you to help us make a difference. 


We can build back better, but only if we put all our weight behind it and demand it!

Why not join us at one of our events and learn about what we are doing?  


Or if you think you can help us in any other way please don't hesitate to volunteer.